Thursday, April 4, 2019


Messina, Sicily

We took it easy in Messina today...just walking around the town which is only 1/3 mile from the dock. Plus there is a very unique astronomical clock in the main plaza on the bell tower, and we wanted to see it in action at noon. Others are heading further afield, to Taormina, or Catania, but we’ve chosen to stay in Messina as our luck with weather has run out today, with wind and rain in the forecast. And boy, did it pour....smack dab at noon when the clock does its 10 minute show. Lions roar, roosters crow, saints march and bow, angels fly and bells ring.

However cold and windy it was, we did have fun venturing out. Tom climbed the bell tower to see the inner workings of the astronomical clock. And since the bells ring every quarter hour, he got those on film, too. And since we are in Sicily, even on a cold day, we had to try ‘panna con something’ because it is ‘typical of this region’. Tom accurately described it as a Frappuccino on steroids. Half a glass of whipped cream over half a glass of coffee granita. Plus a brioche.

Our tour of Malta yesterday was foiled by a construction crane that completely blocked the road leading from the pier where we were docked. After waiting around for 2 hours trying to find out how long the delay would be, we bailed at noon, and made our way by water ferry across to old town Valletta. It was a nice stroll around the town, and we chanced upon some unique shops and bought a couple of mementos.

My new left knee is holding up well, it has become pretty good at going up and down stairs, and has no pain after several hours of standing and walking. The right knee....well it can’t keep up. I’m trying to baby it some, and icing it and taking Tylenol for these heavy walking days. But it’s happy to have a light duty day in Sicily.

We’ll just have to come back some day and see the rest of Malta and more of Sicily; certainly quite picturesque.

The really difficult adjustment we have to make is that last night we received our disembark instructions and luggage tags. Booo! It meant we have only two days left on our cruise, and the dreaded packing back up begins tonight.

1 comment:

  1. Doesn't seem like the cruise is nearly over. What are we going to do without your blog!! Enjoy Rome -- safe travels home.
