Sunday, September 23, 2012

Doggy Jail

So you know how long drives start out great and about half an hour later you are thinking "Are we there yet?"  Hercules wants you to know that it is worse if you have to ride the whole way in a crate.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Such Timing!

Of all the gin joints in all the world....oh wait Hollywood already took those words.  But seriously folks, after planning this trip for over a year, we get to one month before departure and Cairo has to start flaring up over a perceived slight to their religion.  And then today, we hear that our airline (AA) is having a spat with the pilots and there are widespread cancellations and possibly a strike looming.  Oh, great.  This is NOT what I hoped to post in our travel blog.

As for better things, we are off on a road trip next week to see family and friends in Texas.  Stay tuned for our adventures.