Sunday, February 4, 2018


Here are some of the promised photos from the trip...after I finally got the laundry, bills and taxes done! Check back again tomorrow as I will be updating the post with lots of pictures...

Tom with his old friend Peter B.

Lunch with the neighbors

I am pretty sure this is Huatulco, but then again it was a month ago...but I know it is not Puerto Vallarta, and the only other port in Mexico was Huatulco, lol.

This is Costa Rica..and Tom with a Capuchin monkey in the wild. These are semi-tame, because all the tour buses stop here and feed them.

Woke up to find ourseleves heading due east.....

San Juan Del Sur, Nicaraugua was a teeny little town, not much there, but it was a lovely day going in on the tender with Jackie and wandering the boardwalk.

If you look closely, that is Tom and Gene and Pam returning on the tender from their zipline adventure

The next series of pictures will be from the Panama Canal. Approaching from the south, crossing under the Bridge of the Americas, heading north through the canal, passing through the sets of locks, etc. etc.

The guys in the rowboat who do the lines to hook us up to the equipment to get dragged through the canal without bumping the sides!

Looking closely, you can see the metal catwalk below Tom, the same one the rowboat boys were photographed under. We are in the righthand side lock, the left hand side lock is the one you can see to the left of Tom. Very tight quarters here.

Even the office workers come out to wave at us.

Thar’s it for today’s pictures...still hving a weebit of trouble getting them to post in the correct size. So will start a new post for After the Canal pictures in a couple of days or so.